Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Like garlic, broccoli is one of todays miracle foods. A member of the brassica family, broccoli is high in antioxidant vitamins beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E and rich in folate. It also contains iron and potassium. Most important, broccoli is one of the best sources of glucosinolates which are proven to reduce cancer, especially lung and colon cancer.

Calories in Broccoli:
4 oz/100g = 33 calories

Food For Health : Green Tea

Green tea
"Think green," Tallmadge says. Green tea is also full of antioxidants that scientists say can ward off some cancers. In a recent Japanese study that looked at nearly 500 Japanese women with stage I and II breast cancer, researchers found the women who drank more green tea before and after surgery had a lower chance of the cancer recurring. Other studies from China showed that the more green tea patients drank, the lower their risk of developing stomach, esophageal, prostate, pancreatic and colorectal cancer, compared with those who did not drink green tea.
Recent studies have shown green tea can even help you stay thin. "They've found people who drink green tea every day are leaner," Tallmadge says. "Green tea helps lower belly fat."
Scientists say that's because it revs up your metabolism. In a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, green tea extract increased energy expenditure, which is a measure of metabolism, plus it had a significant effect on fat oxidation, or how much fat your body burns.

But here's the catch: One cup won't do the trick. "You have to drink a lot of it ... at least three, up to six cups a day, to get the effect," Tallmadge says. "And that means you use bags or loose tea every time you make a cup." In other words, to get the full benefit, you have to brew it, not buy it in a bottle.
Another catch? Most of the green tea research has been done on animals. "Although laboratory data has shown great benefits in green tea, a lot of statistics on humans still aren't there yet," Shields says. "The green tea industry has asked the FDA for permission to let them put these claims on their boxes; as of now, the FDA says there's not enough human data to justify the labeling."
Back to that list of resolutions. When it comes to eating better, Tallmadge and Shields say moderation and balance are important. No one food is going to keep you cancer-free or make your heart healthy. "It's unrealistic to think that eating only soy or grains all the time is going to make you a healthier person," Shields says. "You need to look at the whole picture, and have good, healthy behaviors: Eat well, drink in moderation and stay active. All of these lead to a healthier life."
Tallmadge agrees. "Putting these foods into your diet are excellent substitutes for other foods that may not be healthy," she says. "If you are trying to cut down on sugar, and are looking for a drink alternative, why not green tea? Or a better snack at night can be rye crackers instead of chips. It's all a matter of balance and good nutrition."

Food For Health : Soy

Researchers have found that soy can ward off certain cancers as well as help your heart. The Food and Drug Administration says foods high in soy protein may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. According to the FDA, 25 grams of soy protein a day can cut heart problems by reducing cholesterol levels.
Soy can be found in numerous products, such as tofu burgers, soy meats and soy milk. In order to get the full benefit of soy, the FDA suggests looking for products that have 6.25 grams or more of soy protein per serving and that are low in fat (less than 3 grams), saturated fat (less than 1 gram) and cholesterol (less than 20 mg).

Tallmadge urges parents to introduce soy into their children's diets as well. "We know that when introduced earlier in life, it can have a very strong protective effect against breast cancer and prostate cancer," she says. Soy can also help fight childhood obesity because it's low in fat and calories. Soy also contains vitamins, minerals, fiber and protein for growing little ones, and it comes in a variety of foods that kids like, such as chocolate soy milk, frozen pizza, taco "meat" and "chicken" nuggets.

Food For Health : Grain

Add oat, barley and rye to your daily diet. Doctors have known that oat can bring down cholesterol levels -- but so can rye, which may become the new "in" grain for 2010. In a study in the current issue of the journal Nutrition, Finnish doctors found that men who had borderline high cholesterol could lower their numbers by eating dense rye bread.

The American Diabetes Association also recommends increasing your intake of dietary fiber and whole grain products, such as rye, to prevent the development of type 2 diabetes. "Rye lowers cholesterol like oats do, and it evens out blood glucose for diabetics," Tallmadge says.
But don't run out and buy regular rye bread at the store. Instead, purchase rye mixed with whole wheat -- it's found in dense, whole-grain breads and in specially made crackers. "I buy the rye crackers," Tallmadge says. "They're low in fat, high in rye and are a perfect snack with low-fat cheese."
As for barley, the U.S. Department of Agriculture found that diets high in barley lowered total cholesterol levels and reduced the risk factors associated with excess weight, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Barley can be cooked and served as a side dish similar to rice or couscous. It can also be used as an ingredient in soups, stews, casseroles and salads.
Dr. Peter Shields, professor of medicine and oncology and deputy director of the Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center at Georgetown University Medical Center, has done extensive studies on diet and cancer. He says any diet filled with fiber, either from fruits and vegetables or grains, is good for you.